Meio Físico e Recursos Hídricos
Consultoria em Meio Físico e Recursos Hídricos, fundamentada na expertise e no compromisso com o uso sustentável da água em diferentes contextos organizacionais. Orientação estratégica e empenho técnico especializado, que asseguram a realização das melhores práticas ambientais dos recursos hídricos, de acordo com as regulamentações vigentes.
A Clam é a sua parceira estratégica ideal para Gestão de Meio Físico e Recursos Hídricos.

Learn more about our solutions and how we can help you
Hydrochemical Characterization and Quality and Flow Monitoring
Clam stands out for offering a wide variety of services focused on monitoring surface and groundwater, consolidating itself as one of its key areas of operation. Among the services provided, the following stand out: Preparation and Revision of Hydrological and Hydrogeological Monitoring Programs, both Qualitative and Quantitative; Execution of Flow Monitoring; Data Consistency of Monitoring and Interpretation of Results; Execution of Solid Discharge Monitoring in Rivers of all Sizes; Design and Installation of Conventional or Automated Monitoring Devices (Weirs, Parshall Flumes, River Gauging Stations, Piezometers, and Monitoring Wells). This set of services reinforces Clam's commitment to effective water resources management, applying technology and expertise to ensure the sustainability of aquatic ecosystems.
Various Projects and Studies
Effective and consistent management of water resources is vital in the planning and operation of any enterprise, requiring a holistic approach that integrates technical, operational, legal, and environmental aspects, as well as the priority needs in regions affected by the enterprise. Clam is recognized for its competence in a series of essential services in this domain, including: Assessment of Surface and Groundwater Availability; Preparation of Water Use Plan (WUP); Preparation of Water Balance of Operational Units; Conceptual Hydrogeological Models for Pre-Feasibility Reports; Preparation of Water Resources and Effluents Management Program; Studies for Requesting Surface and Groundwater Allocation; Study of Locational Alternatives for Water Intake; Preparation of Dam and Project Water Balance; Studies for Determination of Mixing Zone for Effluent Discharge into Surface Water Bodies; Design and Monitoring of Groundwater Level Lowering; and Inventory, Mapping, and Monitoring of Springs.
Investigation of Contaminated Areas and Acid Drainage Studies
The Investigation of Contaminated Areas follows a rigorous process outlined by ABNT Standard - NBR 15,515, parts 1, 2, and 3, which covers everything from preliminary assessment, confirmatory investigation, and detailed investigation. This protocol is complemented by other state and federal regulations, which define parameters for soil and groundwater. Clam is responsible for planning and executing all these steps, incorporating ecotoxicological studies and assessments of human health risks, essential for a comprehensive understanding of environmental impact. In specific contexts of mining operations with sulfide presence, drainage generation and metal remobilization are additional concerns. In these cases, laboratory tests (static and kinetic), risk assessments, and proposals for preventive and corrective measures are carried out, ensuring comprehensive and effective environmental management.
Noise, Vibration, and Air Quality Monitoring
Noise Monitoring is related to the comfort of communities in inhabited areas, requiring assessments both during the day and at night, always taking into account the characteristics of use and occupation. Similarly, Vibration Measurements are crucial in contexts of detonations or when there is frequent traffic of heavy vehicles, for example. Atmospheric Dispersion Study (ADS) is a mathematical modeling aimed at generating the characterization of the region where the emission of atmospheric pollutants is expected, in order to identify the impact on air quality and assist in the appropriate definition of air quality monitoring points. Clam carries out Studies (ADS), Vibration Measurements, and Noise Monitoring, for different parameters, according to the characteristics and requirements of each project.
Unique Way of Doing with Quality

With Clam, you'll be joining a team of dedicated specialists committed to helping your company achieve excellence in ESG, Corporate Sustainability, and Integrated Management Systems.
We are committed to providing personalized and high-quality services that will significantly contribute to the sustainable and responsible growth of your business.
Sustainability Journey
We pride ourselves on being a key partner in guiding and directing organizations on the sustainability journey, offering not only consultancy but a strategic partnership for the implementation of sustainable practices that generate real value and positive impact.
Our experience, combined with the ability to deliver practical and effective results, positions us as the ideal choice for your company in the field of sustainability consultancy.

Soluções em Meio Físico e Recursos Hídricos

- Preparation and review of qualitative and quantitative water/hydrogeological monitoring programs
- Assessment of surface and underground water availability
- Execution of flow monitoring in rivers of all sizes
- Elaboration of the Water Use Plan - PUA
- Hydrochemical characterization of water bodies
- Consistency of monitoring data and interpretation of results
- Execution of solid discharge monitoring in rivers of all sizes
- Hydrogeological inventory of springs and drainages
- Design and installation of conventional or automated monitoring devices (spillways, Parshall flumes, fluviometric stations, piezometers and monitoring wells)
- Elaboration of water balance of operational units
- Conceptual Hydrogeological Models for Pre-Feasibility Reports
- Elaboration of a water resources and effluent management program
- Water risk assessment
- Design and monitoring of drawdown test in tubular wells
- Studies for requesting grants of surface and groundwater
- Registration of water resource users
- Assessment of surface and underground water availability
- Study of locational alternatives for water collection
- Background characterization and diagnosis of contaminated areas
- Elaboration of water balance of dams and projects
- Acid drainage studies in piles and tailings dams
- Studies to determine the mixing zone for releasing effluents into surface water bodies
- Water table lowering projects
Clam is recognized for competence by ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 - General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories for the following scope:
- Sampling in raw water, treated water, drinking water, wastewater, solid waste, sludge, and sediments matrices, as well as in situ parameters: pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and residual chlorine;
- Vibration monitoring;
- Sound pressure level monitoring.
The full scope of Clam can be viewed on the page of the Rede Metrológica de Minas Gerais (RMMG): Find more
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