For almost three decades, Clam has stood out in the sustainability consulting market with a unique and innovative approach based on market intelligence. Our work consists of assisting organizations in becoming leaders in sustainable practices, effectively responding to the growing expectations of consumers, investors, regulators, and other stakeholders. Clam's differentiator lies in the combination of strategic insights with the ability to operationalize them effectively.
Durante todo este período de atuação, a Clam acumula extensa expertise nas diversas disciplinas relacionadas à temática de Gestão Ambiental Integrada e Sustentabilidade Corporativa, com amplo e significativo histórico de serviços e projetos realizados, tanto no setor industrial, como nos ramos de atividades de mineração, energia, óleo e gás, agrossilvopastoril, e serviços de forma geral. Possui uma equipe técnica multidisciplinar, composta por 650+ colaboradores, sendo profissionais de campo e especialistas.
We work tirelessly, aiming to ensure that our actions are geared towards enabling the planet to evolve in a more balanced and sustainable manner.
Act proactively in favor of sustainability of society and natural resources.
To provide innovative solutions with emphasis on customer satisfaction, the evolution and recognition of employees, the sustainability of business and the development of communities, generating value for shareholders.
Clam values and knows its responsibility to invest in actions that help transform the world into a better place. Alazão Project works with the reception and treatment of large animals that are victims of abuse and neglect.
O Projeto Jovens Florestas visa criar oportunidades para jovens em vulnerabilidade, através da instalação e manutenção de viveiros de mudas e hortas em unidades socioeducativas, abrindo espaço para a reflexão sobre a importância do cuidado e possibilitando novos caminhos sustentáveis em suas vidas. A Clam é uma importante parceira do Jovens Florestas, atuando na consultoria técnica para desenvolvimento do projeto e capacitação dos adolescentes com métodos de plantio, cultivo e manejo, além de reutilização, compostagem e inventário e compensação de emissões de GEE.
Leonardo oversees operations at Clam. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering (UFMG, 1996), a Master’s in Environmental Engineering (Hydrogeology and Soil Contamination, UFMG, 1999), and a Ph.D. in the same field from the University of Michigan (USA, 2004).
Marcelo is responsible for all administrative and financial management at Clam. He is a Civil Engineer, graduated from the School of Engineering at UFMG in 1996, with various courses and postgraduate studies in the field.
Rodrigo dirige o departamento comercial e de inteligência de mercado. Formado em Ciências Biológicas e Gestão Ambiental pela PUC-Minas e Pós-graduado em Gestão de Projetos Ambientais também pela PUC-Minas.
Daniela oversees the company's sustainability area. She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering, a postgraduate degree in Business Management from FDC, and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Environmental Technology from IFMG. In addition, she is certified as a Board Member by IBGC..
Since 2023, CLAM Meio Ambiente has been committed to the UN Global Compact, which addresses the responsibility of corporate initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, decent work, the environment, and anti-corruption.
In 2023, we achieved ISO 45001 certification in Occupational Health and Safety Management System by RINA, an internationally recognized organization. This credential highlights our continuous commitment to the safety and health of our employees, aligned with international best practices.
Clam is recognized for competence by ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 - General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories for the following scope:
- Sampling in raw water, treated water, drinking water, wastewater, solid waste, sludge, and sediments matrices, as well as in situ parameters: pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and residual chlorine;
- Vibration monitoring;
- Sound pressure level monitoring.
The full scope of Clam can be viewed on the page of the Rede Metrológica de Minas Gerais (RMMG): Find more
In 2023, Clam's efforts towards global business excellence through verification of company operations records were recognized by Dun & Bradstreet. The Data Universal Numbering System conferred on this occasion is a universal identification that authenticates the existence of the company, to increase trust in this brand and facilitate commercial transactions.
In August 2020, awarding the efforts made by its employees, Clam was recognized for its performance in the Legal Compliance Assessment conducted between 08/04/2020 and 08/06/2020 by the Health and Occupational Safety Management of the Vale’s Special Board for Redress and Development.
In 2018, we were pleased to receive the Safety Quality Award, which we accepted with great pride due to our performance in Vale's Eliezer Batista Complex Project (S11D).
In 2021, we were chosen as Outstanding Suppliers in Minas Gerais. Award received for our performance in the Contract Management and Environment of Vale's South/Southeast Corridor.