Integrated Environmental Management Consulting to tackle the complexity of environmental regulations effectively and responsibly, through strategies that encompass planning, execution, and monitoring of actions aimed at the environment.
Clam is your ideal strategic partner for Integrated Environmental Management.

Learn more about our solutions and how we can help you
Environmental Permitting Studies
Development of Specialized Studies for Environmental Permitting, crucial for the feasibility, implementation, and operation phases of projects, aiming to obtain the necessary Environmental Licenses (LP, LI, and LO). It encompasses detailed analysis of project operations based on socio-environmental diagnostics, as well as direct and objective assessment of environmental impacts using methods such as RAS, RAP, EIA-RIMA, or RCA. Additionally, we are proficient in the development and evaluation of proposed environmental plans and programs (PCA and RADA), ensuring their effectiveness and contribution to the socio-environmental performance of the project. With this meticulous approach, Clam facilitates the Environmental Permitting process, promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Studies and Projects Related to Vegetation Intervention
Preparation of Studies and Projects for Vegetation Intervention, encompassing detailed assessments of vegetation cover, such as inventory and census, and obtaining authorizations for suppression and other interventions (AIA, ASV). It also includes monitoring, management, and supervision of vegetation suppression activities, seedling production, nursery operation, degraded area recovery, and execution of compensatory planting and afforestation. Given the technical and legal complexity of the subject, advanced and specialized knowledge in the field is essential to ensure the attainment of authorizations and compliance with legal requirements, minimizing impacts on project schedules. With Clam, organizations are guaranteed a comprehensive and efficient service in Vegetation-related Environmental Management.
Fauna and Flora Monitoring and Rescue
Monitoring and Rescue of Fauna and Flora to assess the impacts of projects on the biotic environment, in all phases, both in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Based on initial diagnostics, continuous monitoring and rescue actions are carried out for flora and fauna species, before and during vegetation suppression activities. Actions include reproduction of plant matrices for replanting and reintroduction of fauna species in preserved areas, aiming to mitigate environmental impacts. With its own multidisciplinary technical team, composed of agronomists, foresters, specialized biologists, and veterinarians, accredited by relevant professional councils, Clam operates in all biomes of Brazil, offering integrated and effective solutions for fauna and flora monitoring and rescue.
Environmental Education Programs and Participatory Socio-Environmental Dialogue (SED)
Environmental Education Programs (EEP) are essential for not only the workers involved in the project but also for the affected populations to understand the local realities and potentialities, engage with various socio-environmental issues and possible solutions, and be part of the management of specific impacts. In this context, Participatory Socio-environmental Diagnostics (PSD) are developed, guiding and subsidizing the construction and implementation of Programs in a customized manner, adjusted to the reality of the project and the region in which it is inserted. Clam has expertise in developing Environmental Education Programs through Participatory Socio-environmental Diagnostics, with the necessary adherence to applicable legislation, whether at the municipal, state, or federal level.
Various Registrations in Risk and Social Vulnerability Areas
In critical areas such as Self-Rescue Zones (ZAS) and Secondary Safety Zones (ZSS) in Dams, it is necessary to carry out a complete registration and inventory of residents, animals, and various assets, in order to enable better direction of all actions related to risk management. These situations must be considered in project planning, aiming to anticipate relevant impacts and address socio-environmental management actions. Clam provides these services in a specialized manner, including the Registration of Water Resources Users, with the guarantee of precise planning and management adapted to the needs of each project.
Noise, Vibration, and Air Quality Monitoring
Noise Monitoring is related to the comfort of communities in inhabited areas, requiring assessments both during the day and at night, always taking into account the characteristics of use and occupation. Similarly, Vibration Measurements are crucial in contexts of detonations or when there is frequent traffic of heavy vehicles, for example. Atmospheric Dispersion Study (ADS) is a mathematical modeling aimed at generating the characterization of the region where the emission of atmospheric pollutants is expected, in order to identify the impact on air quality and assist in the appropriate definition of air quality monitoring points. Clam carries out Studies (ADS), Vibration Measurements, and Noise Monitoring, for different parameters, according to the characteristics and requirements of each project.
Dam Emergency Action Plans - Diagnostics and Studies
To ensure compliance with current standards and legislation, such as the detailed Joint Resolution IEF/SEMAD/IGAM/FEAM No. 3181/2022 of the State of Minas Gerais, Clam has multidisciplinary technical teams dedicated to ensuring total compliance with the procedures required in areas near dams, especially in emergency situations resulting from incidents, accidents, or ruptures. This comprehensive approach includes conducting diversified studies, ranging from terrestrial and aquatic fauna analysis to flora evaluation, soil, water quality, sanitary conditions, and preservation of historical and cultural heritage, rigorously complying with the Terms of Reference established by different regulatory bodies.
Unique Way of Doing with Consciousness

With Clam, you'll be joining a team of dedicated specialists committed to helping your company achieve excellence in ESG, Corporate Sustainability, and Integrated Management Systems.
We are committed to providing personalized and high-quality services that will significantly contribute to the sustainable and responsible growth of your business.
Sustainability Journey
We pride ourselves on being a key partner in guiding and directing organizations on the sustainability journey, offering not only consultancy but a strategic partnership for the implementation of sustainable practices that generate real value and positive impact.
Our experience, combined with the ability to deliver practical and effective results, positions us as the ideal choice for your company in the field of sustainability consultancy.

Environmental Solutions

- Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Impact Report - EIA/RIMA
- Environmental Control Report Environmental Control Plan - RCA/PCA
- Environmental Risk Analysis
- Simplified Environmental Report - RAS
- Preliminary Environmental Report - RAP
- Environmental Intervention Project - PIA
- Proposal for Compensation for Environmental Interventions - PCIA
- Recomposition Project for Degraded and Altered Areas – PRADA
- Rescue of fauna and flora
- Diagnosis, monitoring and survey of fauna and flora
- Program for monitoring and rescuing run over fauna
- Monitoring and study of ichthyofauna species
- Forest Inventory
- Studies for compensation or environmental conservation
- Development and execution of Programs and Environmental Education
- Socio-environmental perception surveys
- Participatory socio-environmental diagnoses
- Registration of families in Self Rescue and Secondary Rescue Zones
- Emergency action plan for dams
- Registration of residences and residents in areas of social vulnerability
- Studies and projects for land regularization of rural and urban properties
- Technical assessment of noise and vibration levels
- Air pollution monitoring
- Development of Environmental Management Systems
- Advice on environmental licensing processes in various bodies - IBAMA, IPHAN, IEPHA, COPASA-MG, SUPRAM, CETESB, SEMAS, and in the various state environmental agencies